Your Placenta and All the Things You Can Do With It

Have you ever wondered what you should do with your placenta after you birth it? In this blog, we'll be talking about Placentas and the beautiful and different things you might want to do with it and why. We will talk about some of the benefits and the methods used to transform this incredible organ into a source of postpartum magic.

Placenta Encapsulation:

Placenta encapsulation is a method inherited from a Chinese postpartum tradition. It involves transforming the placenta organ into easy to consume capsules, creating a supplement that's rich in nutrients and hormones to encourage a calmer and easier fourth trimester. Advocates claim benefits, such as increased energy levels, quicker postpartum recovery, and a potential boost in mood. Researchers have found up to 17 different hormones in encapsulated placenta.

University of Las Vegas Anthropology Department conducted a survey in 2010, involving 189 women over age 18 and they were asked 21 questions and the results showed.

  • 26% increased energy  

  • 7% alleviated bleeding

  • 15% improved lactation

  • 40% improved mood

  • 69% reported no negative effects, 

  • 7% unpleasant taste

  • 4% got headache

Preparation Methods:

  • Traditional Method: The placenta is carefully handled and washed of meconium. The placenta is then steamed. Once steamed, the placenta is thinly sliced, dehydrated for 12 hours, and ground for encapsulation. This method is recommended when birther is GBS positive.

  • Raw Method: The placenta is carefully handled and washed of meconium. Once washed, the placenta is then cut into small strips, dehydrated for 12 hours , and then ground for encapsulation.

Raw Placenta Tinctures:

For those who don’t like taking capsules you have the option of raw placenta tinctures which offers a different approach and method. In this method, small pieces of raw placenta are steeped in high-proof alcohol for up to 6 weeks, then the small pieces of the placenta are removed and you are left with liquid placenta goodness. The tincture is believed to capture the essence of the placenta and its hormonal benefits which might contribute to hormone stabilization, improved lactation, and an overall sense of well-being. This is also an add on option even if you do encapsulate your placenta!

Some Benefits of Placenta Consumption:

  • Hormonal support: Placenta consumption helps regulate hormones, reducing the risk of postpartum mood swings and depression.

  • Energy Boost: The nutrient-rich composition of the placenta is believed to replenish vital nutrients, providing an energy boost during the exhausting postpartum phase.

  • Enhanced Recovery: Some believe it also supports faster physical recovery.

  • Lactation Support: The impact on hormone levels is believed to contribute to improved milk production.

  • Sleep Support: Most importantly might be helpful for better sleep.

Beyond Consumption:

Placenta prints: If the idea of taking your placenta doesn’t sit well with you, you might want to consider a placenta print. This method involves carefully covering the placenta with food colouring or other dyes then pressing onto paper to make a beautiful print of your placenta.

Placenta for Gardening: Rich in nutrients, the dehydrated placenta grounds can act as a natural fertilizer, providing essential elements that benefit plants, flowers, or even trees.

Cord keepsake: The umbilical cord is shaped into a heart and then dehydrated for long term preservation.

Burying: Some people opt for simply burying their placenta to honor what it has done and to give some nutrients back to the earth.

In conclusion, placenta encapsulation and raw placenta tinctures may seem unconventional, but for many they represent a personalized and holistic approach to postpartum well-being.


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